The training for the sustainable forest management
JICA has been conducting the " Capacity Development Project for Reducing Carbon Emissions from Forest Degradation through Commercial Logging in PNG by Improving Forest Monitoring System of Logging Operations" with the PNG Forest Authority. The project aims to strengthen the capacity of stakeholders to comply with regulations and procedures for proper logging operations, to strengthen the capacity for natural generation, and to develop carbon monitoring methods. Illegal logging is said to be one of the major factors to greenhouse gas emissions in Papua New Guinea, and its improvement is an urgent matter.
As part of these activities, from 27th February to 1st March 2024, the training was held in Kimbe, West New Britain Province, which is to understand and implement the “Planning, Monitoring, and Control Procedures” (PMCP) and “Logging Code of Practice” (LCoP). This is the third training, the other two trainings were conducted in the other region in 2023. A total of 28 PNG Forest Authority officers from each of the Province, West New Britain, East New Britain, Manus, Bougainville and New Ireland, etc participated in this training. The training consisted of classroom lectures and on-the-job training at a logging site. The 28 trainees successfully completed the 4-days training and received their certificates.
While this training was targeted at PNG Forest Authority officers, The next plan is to conduct training for logger or logging operators . The JICA will continue to work with PNG Forest Authority and other PNG government agencies and various partners in the future.
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001 Classroom lecture.
002 Learning to use mobile applications.
003 Checking the progress of the training by PNGFA staff and Japanese Expert.
004 Fieldwork at logging sites.
005 Using mobile applications in the forest.