Medic attends technical training in Japan to improve Urban Community Health Care
Mr. Tuve Upeguto is the Assistant Officer-In-Charge, TB & HIV Clinic, of the NCD Provincial Health Authority – Gerehu. Mr. Upeguto attended the training on Health Operation and Management (Community Health Care). The aim of the program was to learn from the community health care system of Japan. This training was conducted in two parts: online then in Japan at JICA Chubu, Aichi Prefecture. From the on-demand lectures (self-study research) to the site visits, this training has inspired Mr. Upeguto to contribute meaningfully and provide practical solutions to the current challenges faced at the Gerehu hospital.
His practical experience within the country and close observation on rural knowledge-gaps and the cultural ethics/beliefs of rural communities; are factors that have impeded proper care and treatment of patients. The fast-paced rural-to-urban drift paralleled with population growth within the towns and cities; have also raised alarming health concerns regarding many patients’ residing in the ever-increasing surrounding squatter settlements.
With this pioneering revelation, Mr. Upeguto has constructed an Action Plan, which he is determined to start implementing; that will incorporate selective theories inclusive of the insurance system, telemedicine and elder care to help tackle the constant primary health care issues currently faced.
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