“Building Resilience: 40 years in Retrospect.”
The 13th Annual Research Symposium of National Building Research Organization (NBRO) was held on 29th February 2024 in Colombo themed on “Building Resilience: 40 Years in Retrospect”.
Hon. Kanaka Herath, Sate Minister of Technology graced the event as the Chief Guest for this year. He emphasized the importance of technology to promote understanding of disaster risks and develop effective early warning system. Mr. Yamada Tetsuya, Chief Representative of JICA Sri Lanka made the guest speech on JICA’s operational strategy related to Disaster Risk Reduction in Sri Lanka as a means of global climate change challenge, and also as a means to promote regional cooperation in such platform as Indo Ocean Rim Association (IORA), of which Sri Lanka is currently a chair country, and Japan is a dialog partner.
Several launchings and demonstrations on their wide range of technical accomplishments were conducted to celebrate the 40th anniversary of NBRO establishment. NBRO introduced Landslide Risk Information Portal with 3D Digital topography model, Real-time Air Quality Monitoring System, and production of ISO Standard Sand Using Local Sources. Furthermore, Prof. Konagai, Team Leader of JICA SATREPS Project presented their activities on development of early warning technology for rain-induced rapid and long-travelling landslides.
A panel discussion including prominent professionals and academics followed the session. Mr. Sakurazawa, a JICA Representative shared the experience and knowledge on Sustainable Land Development Practices for Minimizing Risk of Geo-Hazards in Japan which provided insight on how Sri Lanka could utilize Japanese strategies and technologies for effective land usage. Resilience in the built environment, technology advancements for landslide risk management, innovations in resilient buildings, empowering communities for resilient settlement, sustainable environment for healthy living are the key themes for the technical sessions of this symposium which was held with eminent professionals in the country. We expect this symposium can be the foundation for further development of NBRO and relevant authorities.
Oil Lamp Ceremony
Guest Speech by Mr. Yamada
Presentation by Mr. Sakurazawa
JICA Sri Lanka Office on “Sustainable Land Development Practices for Minimizing Risk of Geo-Hazards in Japan”
Taking Over Token from the Hon. Minister Kanaka Herath, State Minister of Technology and Eng. (Dr.) Asiri Karunawardena, Director General, NBRO
Delegates of the program
Representatives of the Panel discussion