【Call for Participants】January 18th! Business Opportunity Briefing by Government Officials from Six Asian Countries (Deadline: January 15, Online January 17)


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Business opportunity briefings in Asia held as part of the "Investment Promotion and Business Environment Improvement (Semi-High-Level)" training for each subject

From basic information on 6 Asian countries to the latest investment information!

Officials from six Asian countries will provide a variety of information, from basic information to the latest investment information in each country. Those who only want to hear information about the country they are interested in, or who have no knowledge or experience in investing, are also welcome to participate!
There will be exhibition booths for each country at the venue, so you can talk directly with the speakers. The event will be held in a hybrid format of face-to-face and online, so you can easily participate online. We look forward to your participation!

■Date & Time: Thursday, January 18 13:30~17:15 (Doors open at 13:10) (Japan time)
■Venue: TKP Ichigaya Conference Center (6F) *Zoom streaming available
■Capacity: 50 people at the venue (200 online)
*First-come, first-served basis
■Event Overview
Officials from six Asian countries (Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, Nepal, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Uzbekistan) will provide you with a variety of information, from information on their own countries to investments!

■ Application: Please apply from the link below
・ Visitor application:https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=Qvyp64hVMU2KTm4b950xwO8dxCUc_yZKmyAEpvnc8ANUOFk1VDFERjRUNDVNUURPQTQ5WlcxN1ZMSy4u
・Zoom application: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_uUYwuP_1TUKjPPl-XKqiig#/registration

■Application deadline: Face-to-face Monday, January 1, Online Wednesday, January 15
■Participation fee: Free
■Contact: JICA Tokyo Industrial Development and Public Policy Division (Abe, Mizuno)
E-mail: tictip@jica.go.jp
Phone number: 1-17-03, 3485-7630-080





High-ranked officers from six Asian countries will provide a variety of information ranging from basic information on each country to the latest information on investment.
We welcome those who "only want to hear about the countries interested in", or "have no knowledge or experience in investment"!
There will be exhibition booths of each country in the venue, so you can talk directly with the speakers.
The event will be a hybrid of face-to-face and online sessions, so you can easily participate online as well.

We look forward to seeing you there.

■ Date: Thursday, January 18, 13:30-17:15 (doors open at 13:10) (JST)
■ Venue: TKP Ichigaya Conference Center (6th floor) *Zoom streaming will be available.
■ Capacity: 50 persons at the venue (200 people online) *first-come-first-served basis)
■ Event Summary
High-ranked officers from six Asian countries (Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, Nepal, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Uzbekistan) will provide information about their countries and investment opportunities!

■ Application: Please click the link below to apply.

Application for the event:

Zoom Registration (Zoom Registration) :

■ Deadline: Monday, January 15 (Venue), Wednesday, January 17 (Zoom)
■ Participation Fee: Free of Charge

■ Inquiries: Industrial Development and Public Policy Division,JICA Tokyo (ABE,MIZUNO)
       E-mail: tictip@jica.go.jp
      Phone: +81(0)3-3485-7630、+81(0)80-7139-5270


