Enjoy!!BON DANCE♪浴衣で盆踊り♪








JICA Tokyo’s auditorium was transformed into a summer festival for the participants!

The event was organized by the Tokyo City Guide Club (TCGC) for the participants and the concept was "Experience Japanese summer in one place - enjoy the fair in yukata and Bon dance to blow off the sultry summer heat!”.
First, the staff of TCGC explained about kimonos and how to put on a yukata for the participants. Some participants were eagerly taking notes.
They each chose a yukata of their choice. And the staff set their hair for those who wanted and decorated with flowers which made them very happy.
Next, an explanation of the fair. On this day, TCGC prepared Japanese games such as Ring Toss Game, Paper Sumo, Otedama(beanbags), Kendama, and handmade bowling. They were very happy to play Otedama in a circle. It must have been their first experience.
They tried to write their names in Katakana on the handmade fans with various decorations such as morning glories, goldfish, etc.
They danced well and looked so lovely at the Bon dance. At the end one of the participants said, "I wish we had more time for dancing!”. Then, we had a photo shoot in front of the JICA Tokyo entrance. Everyone looked so beautiful in their yukata and smiling faces.

Comments from the participants
・It was a wonderful event to learn and experience Japanese culture.
・This is a wonderful event that I ever joined. I gained a first experience of wearing Yukata as well as traditional game. Thank you so much.
・“Sending big big love and gratefulness for preparing and hosting us such a great event. This made my day. I love all activities today. ”

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone of TCGC for giving us the opportunity to experience Japanese culture through their wonderful creativity and ingenuity. And thank you to everyone who participated!


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