October 4, 2019
University hospital
Vice Minister of the Ministry of Health of Mongolia providing opening remarks
Recection of the hospital
On Oct. 1 in the Mongolian capital of Ulaanbaatar, a ceremony was held to commemorate the opening of the first university hospital in Mongolia built with the assistance of a grant aid from JICA. Attendees included Byambasuren Lamjav, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Health of Mongolia, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Mongolia Masato Takaoka and chief representative of the JICA Mongolia office Eriko Tamura. The Hospital started outpatient medical services after the ceremony.
The hospital opened with a bell and a souvenir was given to the first patient. The Vice Minister expressed expectation for high quality, patient-centered Japanese medical service, and applauded the fact that this ceremony is a historic moment for bilateral relationships between Japan and Mongolia. The Chief Representative of JICA explained that today is a first step for this hospital to become a location providing high quality medical service, education and research. JICA also expressed expectation of improving medical health in Mongolia and cultivating human resources.
One of the patients spoke as follows: “I have a very good impression. I hope this hospital will continue to provide medical service like today. This is a special hospital for Mongolia and I am so happy.”
As a hospital affiliated with the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, which is the only national university in Mongolia, it is expected to serve as a location providing high-quality training for medical personnel. Japanese-style medical services have been introduced along with a technical cooperation project with Ehime University and Tokushima University to ensure smooth hospital operations and management.
In addition, the latest medical equipment in Mongolia has been introduced in this hospital. It is expected to provide advanced medical services in the treatment of such non-communicable diseases as cancer and heart disease.
Medical service such as emergency hospitalization is going to be made available gradually.
In terms of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it is expected that this hospital will contribute to achieve Goal 3, ”Good Health and Well-Being,” by cultivating medical personnel and improving access and the quality of medical service in Mongolia.