Project for Improving Science and Mathematics Education at Upper Secondary Level (ISMEC)
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
From November 2005 to October 2008
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS), Pedagogical Research Department (PRD), National Institute of Education (NIE), General Secondary Education Department (GSED), Teacher Training Department (TTD), and Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP)
Formulation of the mechanism for regular re-evaluation and revision of curriculum and textbook at upper secondary level
Establishment of the system in MoEYS fro science and mathematics curriculum and textbook development at upper secondary level
1-1 | Implementation Committee (IC) collects and analyzes the information about the MoEYS's previous process for curriculum and textbooks development |
1-2 | IC holds the workshops for confirming the plan for development of curriculum, textbooks and teacher's manuals |
1-3 | IC tries out the development process through the Project period |
1-4 | IC makes recommendations on the development process based on the results of trials |
2-1 | IC develops the criteria for selecting Working Group (WG) members |
2-2 | IC selects the members of WGs |
2-3 | WG for writing the curriculum of each subject (mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology) develops its work plan |
3-1 | IC organizes the seminars and workshops on curriculum development for WG members |
3-2 | WG reviews the current curricula |
3-3 | WG analyzes the foreign curricula |
3-4 | WG drafts the curriculum in Japan |
3-5 | WG consults the relevant stakeholders on the draft curriculum at school level |
3-6 | WG consults the relevant stakeholders on the draft curriculum at MoEYS level |
3-7 | The new curriculum is authorized by MoEYS |
4-1 | WG reviews and analyzes the current textbooks and teacher's manuals |
4-2 | IC holds seminars and workshops on textbook and teacher's manual development |
4-3 | WG acquires knowledge on how to handle the copyright issues in Japan |
4-4 | IC sets up the editorial policy for textbook and teacher's manual |
4-5 | Textbook writers develop the draft textbook and teacher's manual |
4-6 | Textbook writers try out the selected chapters of textbook and teacher's manual |
4-7 | Textbook writers revise the draft textbook and teacher's manual based on the comments from piloting schools |