Apart from Test Sales of its domestic rice at the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF), the CAAKUB is now expanding its sales to other government organizations like the Ministry of Health and Forestry Department of the MAF to bring in more cash to its new established association and to further promote domestic rice to all the public civil servants.
From 18th to 19th of December 2017, the CAAKUB conducted its first mobile market at the Ministry of Health and the Forestry Department in Dili.
The passion for domestic rice was visible among the civil servants at both of the two places. They bought not only white rice but also black and red rice. Most of them were enthusiastic that this time they could buy the fresh domestic rice near their work places, while they do not need to be bothered to go to the local markets and shops to buy it after work. In addition, after seeing the CAAKUB rice first-hand and being told about how it was processed and manufactured, other people like the passers-by and a few local policemen were also convinced to buy it.
Ms. Sonia Valadares (44), a staff from Ministry of Health said that she always loves to consume domestic rice and has wanted to have clean rice that she can quickly bring into the cooking pot without spending extra time to clean it. She preferred the CAAKUB rice because of its cleanliness, flavour and its small package which helped her to carry it home without assistance by other people. She very much looked forward to buying the CAAKUB rice in the next delivery.
Mr. Henrique Sousa Fatima (47), a policeman from Dili Station said that he was recently told by his friend that black and red rice are good for heart problem, therefore he was curiously waiting to see if it is really true. He said that if black and red rice can help to solve his health problem, he will consume them more in the future. In addition, Mr. Henrique said that he used to consume domestic rice when he was at very young age in his village but after he moved to Dili, he was no longer consuming it because he could hardly find the fresh one. On the other hand, since he comes from an agricultural family, he would like to contribute to the farmers' well- being by buying domestic rice they produced, while asking his police colleagues to do the same thing.
Mr. Shinji Hironaka, Japanese Expert on Agricultural Distribution and Sales said that he really wants to see the spill-over effect of domestic rice demand among the Timorese people by expanding the CAAKUB's sales to many places. He requested the CAAKUB to start first the mobile market at the Ministry of Health because he believes that they can help to promote domestic rice as a part of their nationwide nutrition program to all the Timorese people. He added that MAF and the Project will continue to work alongside the CAAKUB in its efforts to further promote domestic rice in the country.
Ms. Josefa da Costa (57), the treasurer of the CAAKUB said that she managed to earn $366 during the first day alone through the mobile market. She wanted her customers to know that all the cash the CAAKUB earned by selling the rice will be returned to the farmers in Maliana I. She said that as the CAAKUB expands its market to other places, more paddies from the farmers will be purchased. She asked her customers to remain confident of the CAAKUB rice for its freshness and good quality.
It is planned that in the next year, the CAAKUB will continue its mobile market on domestic rice at Ministry of Health and Forestry Department of the MAF on a specific day of every month.
The CAAKUB selling its domestic rice at the Ministry of Health.
The CAAKUB selling its domestic rice at the Forestry Department of MAF.
Local police buying domestic rice (1).
Local police buying domestic rice (2).
Staff of Ministry of Health buying domestic rice (1).
Staff of Ministry of Health buying domestic rice and Ms. Matsui, a Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer working in the Ministry.