The Project has supported the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW) for development of "Human Resource for Health Strategic Plan 2014-2019" (HRHSP) since January 2013. After nearly 18 months of pains-taking, intensive process involving health care providers, private sector, civil society, community, "HRHSP 2014-2019" was finally completed and officially launched at a function on 23rd September, 2014, blessed by Honorable Minister of Health and Social Welfare Dr. Seif Selemani Rashid. Chief Medical Officer Dr. Donan Mmbando, Chief Representative of JICA Tanzania Mr. Yasunori Onishi were present among other participants from development partners in and out of Dar es Salaam. They include WHO, UNICEF, GIZ, Irish-Aid, I-tech, Touch Foundation, among others. Honorable Minister Dr. Rashid handed over "Human Resource for Health Strategic Plan 2014-2019" to each participant, as he requests for continued cooperation and support for the implementation of the Plan.
Honorable Minister said that "HRHSP 2014-2019" is compatible to the overall goal of the MoHSW and the Nation priorities as stated in the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP) and that greater collaboration, outputs and results are required to achieve the vision and mission of the Health Sector and in doing so address the most critical bottleneck in the attainment of health Millennium Development Goals and Universal health coverage. Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Donan Mmando stressed that the successful implementation of this plan will depend on the continued dedication of the MoHSW and those of its partner organizations.
Representing JICA Tanzania, main supporter of the development process of "HRHSP 2014-2019" development, through its Project for Strengthening Development of Human Resource for Health (HRHD), Chief Representative Mr. Yasunori Onishi made reference to national roll-out of Human Resource for Health Information System (HRHIS) and Training Institution Information System (TIIS) supported by JICA HRHD Project. He requested the MoHSW that the Government of Tanzania address the challenges and continue with the activities to ensure the sustainability of HRHIS/TIIS as developed by the Project.