1. General Information about JICA
- Where is JICA located, and how can I contact JICA?
JICA's Headquarters are located at Nibancho Center Building 5-25, Niban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8012. JICA has 17 other offices in Japan and about 100 offices overseas. For details, see Contact Us.
2. Participating in JICA Activities
- I want to attend a JICA Training Program. How can I apply?
JICA Training Programs are provided to people (mainly government officials) from countries designated by JICA each fiscal year (See "Acceptance of Trainees"). But please note that all the candidates for a training program should be officially recommended by their government. Please contact your government"s relevant department to apply for a course.
- I want to attend master's program or doctoral program. Can JICA provide any support?
Support is provided to people from countries designated by JICA. For details, visit the website of the program in question, such as JDS, ABE Initiative or Innovative Asia, or contact the JICA office nearest you.
JICA does not have any scholarship programs open to the public.
For students wishing to attend an educational institute in Japan, visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
website or contact the Japanese embassy
nearest you.
- I work for an NGO. Can JICA provide financial assistance for our project?
JICA does not currently have a program of financial assistance for projects carried out by local/international NGOs, NPOs and individuals. Japanese embassies in various countries provide Grassroots Human Security Grant Aid. For details about this program, contact the embassy nearest you.
- I want to work for JICA (as an official staff member, etc.).
Officers are recruited each year at JICA's headquarters in Tokyo. While there are no restrictions on nationality, applicants must be highly proficient in the Japanese language and be able to communicate in a Japanese workplace setting. Each overseas JICA office also recruits national staff members from time to time. But please note that JICA Overseas Office basically recruit only locals. For details, contact the JICA office nearest you.
- I want to apply for an internship at JICA.
The JICA Internship Program provides undergraduate students and graduate students as well as physicians and health care providers (nursing professionals, midwives, and public health nurses). This program requires all the applicants to have a high proficiency in the Japanese language (ex. Japanese-Language Proficiency Test N1 level) . Please do not forget to check "Recruitment information" (in Japanese only) on our website. (See https://www.jica.go.jp/recruit/intern/index.html).
- As a foreign company, how can we participate in tenders at JICA?
General information on JICA procurement opportunities can be found on our website in Japanese (https://www.jica.go.jp/announce/index.html).
All participants need to obtain the "Unified Qualification for Participating in Tendering Procedures", effective for all procurement entities of the central government. We have also additional requirements and conditions specified in each tender document. (https://www.jica.go.jp/announce/notice/index.html)
You have possibilities to be a JV member or local subcontractor of a Japanese consulting company as well.
- I want email addresses of participants, coordinators and host families from my JICA training program in Japan long ago.
JICA will assist you in figuring out the relevant information. Kindly contact us with details of your training course information, i.e., title, period, JICA accommodation, specific names, and so on. Please understand that under the Japanese "Personal Information Protection Law," JICA is unable to disclose any personal information to any third party.
3. Viewing the JICA Website
- What do I need to view the JICA website?
You will need Acrobat Reader to view downloaded PDF files. Click on the Adobe banner to download the latest version of the Acrobat Reader free of charge.
- What JavaScript settings should I use?
Some pages of this website use JavaScript. In case a page is not displayed properly, you may need to enable JavaScript in your browser setting.
- What are the string of links at the top of a Web page?
These are "bread crumbs" that shows the page and category the visitor is currently viewing and provide links to previous pages.
4. Images and Links
- Can I use the images on this website?
The reuse or reproduction of any or all images and other data on this website for purposes other than personal use is prohibited. For details, see Disclaimer and Site Management Policy.
- Can I create a link to this site?
Links may be freely formed except in the following cases: (1) when they appear in a site containing slanderous or defamatory material or content offensive to public decency; (2) when visitors could be misled into thinking that the site is affiliated or has a cooperative relationship with JICA or that JICA supports the site; or (3) when there are potential copyright infringements, such as when the JICA site appears inside a frame. The links should be made to either of the following two URLs:
JICA Home: https://www.jica.go.jp/
JICA English Site: https://www.jica.go.jp/english/index.html
Please notify JICA's Media and Public Relations Department of any links created by using the Comment/Question Form. Requests may be made for the links to be deleted or modified should JICA consider them inappropriate.
The following banners may be used to create links:
Large (125 x 125 pixels)
Small (120 x 60 pixels)
Note: URLs are subject to change or deletion without notification.
- There seems to be an invalid or dead link.
If you get an error message when clicking on a link, please contact the Media and Public Relations Department using the Comment/Question Form.
5. Others
- I want to obtain JICA's comment on a project or country operation.
Kindly contact JICA overseas office of the country in which you have an interest.
- I'm looking for JICA‘s reports or data.
Please check JICA Library portal site to find Books, JICA's Reports and Data of your interest.
- Can I have a PDF version of a JICA report?
You can get JICA Reports online from the JICA Library. Please visit the JICA Library and use a terminal to type the name of the report you want or some key words in the "Quick Search" field. After you find the report, please click the title of the reports available in PDF. If you can't find a PDF, that means there is no PDF version.