JICA extends its activities in Mongolia, focusing on Three Priority Areas and Eight Development Issues as follows.
1. Sound Macroeconomic Management and Strong Governance
In order to stabilize macroeconomy and achieve sustainable economic growth in Mongolia, JICA provides support for "Improving public financial management" and "Promoting the vital market economy" by strengthening the functionality of financial market, improving the investment environment and other related activities.
2. Environment-friendly and Balanced Economic Development
In order to reduce the concentration in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar and to transform the economic structure which is dependent on mining sector, JICA provides support for "Promoting industry diversification and enhancing strategic planning of regional development", "Developing high-quality infrastructure to underpin growth", and “Creating an environment-friendly safe city".
3. Realization of Inclusive Society
In order to reduce inequality in education, health and welfare, etc. caused by disparities in income level and regions, JICA provides support for "Achieving healthcare standards that meet society’s needs", "Improving the quality of basic social services” and "Promoting social participation and inclusion of people with disabilities".