Project for Enhancing Quality in Teaching through TV Program (EQUITV PROJECT)

1. Purpose of the Project

Improving the quality of classroom teaching in project schools through regular TV transmission of Mathematics and Science lessons based on PNG’s Curriculum Reform Syllabus and receiving teachers' appropriate use and application of our TV lessons.

Records of Discussion signed on 6th of July 2005 between the Government of Papua New Guinea and the Government of Japan Project duration: 27th August 2005 - 30st of November 2008

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2. Super goal of the Project

Improving the quality of classroom teaching in PNG primary
schools through Distance education utilizing TV Program.

DOE & JICA Enhancing Quality in Teaching through TV Program


The Department of Education and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), an implementing body of technical cooperation of the Government of Japan have commenced Project for Enhancing Quality in Teaching Through TV Program (EQUITV Project) since August 2005.

This project will be executed by the National Education Media Centre; The building of the Centre was donated by the Government of Japan in 2001. The EQUITV project was officially launched on the 7th of November 2005.





A similar project called "Distance Education by Utilizing Recording of Live Classroom Pilot Project" was implemented during 2001 – 2004, which was piloted in East Sepik, Bougainville, Eastern Highlands and Central provinces. The project was proven to be very successful. During this period, the Department of Education, with the support of Japanese Government under JICA, organized a partnership project to explore the possibility of providing teaching and learning through television to support teachers and students. There are issues concerning implementation of the Curriculum Reform, which include:teacher’s lack of training on the Curriculum Reform and lack of improvement in classroom environment; Material shortages faced in rural and remote schools are addressed through this strategy.


Due to the success of the pilot project, the Department of Education is promoting utilization of media through TV and Radio programs through television as a strategy to support teachers and students. It is in line with the National Education Plan for 2005 – 2014. In 2003 the PNG Government made an official request to the Government of Japan to support Distance Education utilizing TV programs. After the preliminary study team conducted a survey, Record of Discussions was signed between the two governments on the 6th of July 2005.


the Project. The Joint Implementation Committee (JIC) is the joint implementing agency, consisting of officials of DFCD, NCDC and DNPRD, representatives of settlements, and the JICA Consultant Team. The Joint Coordination Committee (JCC), consisting of the DFCD Secretary, the NCDC City Manager, the DNPRD representative, and representatives of related Japanese organizations including JICA itself, supervises and coordinate the operation of project works.

EQUITV Project

The purpose of the project, Enhancing Quality in Teaching Through TV Program, is that "Quality of classroom teaching is improved in the project schools through the appropriate use/application/ introduction and regular delivery of distance education utilizing TV program". Its outcomes are that. 1. Quality TV-lessons for students are regularly broadcast, 2.Teaching methods of teachers’ in-charge of the TV class in the project schools are improved, 3. Environment of regular receiving of TV-lessons and the teacher-training programs are enhanced, and 4. Feasibility of expanding distance education utilizing TV Program is examined.

In order for these outcomes to be successfully achieved, the project will carry out specific activities. These include:

  • production of science and mathematics upper primary TV programs for students and teachers and also teacher training program.
  • training of PNG counter-parts in management, technical aspects and teaching strategies.
  • monitoring of project management, classrooms, lessons, students’performances and equipment.
  • conducting seminars and conducting studies on the progress of the project.

The Project Period &Target Area

The period of the project would be approximately 2 years and 8 months. That is from August 2005 to March 2008. The project is targeted for Bougainville and East Sepik provinces. However the project would also be extended to New Ireland, Milne Bay, and Western Highlands provinces under the JICA Grassroots aid of the Government of Japan. Other Provinces that receive EMTV signals could also benefit from this project by accessing telecasted programs.

Number of Schools which will be supported by the Project

Project Name No. of Schools
1 EQUITV Project Schools 67
2 Partnership project Schools 36
3 Grassroots Project Schools 105
Total 208

Implementaion Policy

During implementaion, the project will carry-out the following tasks:

4.Build a model for the distance education management and implementation through model lesson programs and teacher training program.

2.Carry out capacity building of counterpart agencies by utilizing existing systems for the provision to maintain sustainability, maintenance and improve the quality of the project.

3.Strengthen the project management by involving communities of educational TV receiving schools.

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The upper primary mathematics and science Model TV lessons and teacher training program would be recorded at the Model school and the programs would be compiled at the National Media Centre within the Curriculum Development Division. The emphasis of the programs would be to support the curriculum reform initiatives utilizing the (new Syllabuses, Teacher guides, in which the lessons are focused around outcomes based curriculum and student centered learning). The programs would be transmitted by EMTV to the TV Receiving schools at the TV Model Provinces of (Bougainville and East Sepik) from Monday to Friday during the four terms of schooling. The project will conduct workshops for utilizing TV Programs and Equipment Management for receiving schools and Monitoring of the project. The project would also conduct community awareness activities for non -TV schools so that these schools could also access TV programs as well as the communities could understand the importance of Education for their children and provide to support their schools. DEPI TV Programs will be produced by the project trial base.

JICA Input

JICA will provide experts in 9 fields of specialty; project manager as Chief Adviser, education program production, distance education, mathematics, science pedagogy, monitoring and evaluation, school management and audio visual equipment maintenance. Other experts in specific fields would be dispatched if necessary upon mutual agreement. Training will be provided to PNG counterparts in-country or in the third country,and in Japan. Participation during seminars will be highly encouraged to share ideas about the project. Essential TV production equipment will be supplied by the project to produce the TV lessons, video program and TV Teachers resource materials and TV receiving systems for receiving schools.

Curriculum Development Division/ National Education Media Centre/ PNGEI
Tel : 325-1016/1766 Fax:325-1274 E-mail:

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