Trained health workers to conduct the Ivermectin, Diethylcarbamazine and Albendazole (IDA) Impact Survey in East New Britain, and the survey kicked off

[Goal 3] Good Health and Well-Being


JICA has been implementing “The Project for Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis Phase 2” with National Department of Health (NDOH) and other partners in Papua New Guinea (PNG). PNG is known as a nation where Lymphatic Filariasis (LF), one of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) identified by the World Health Organization (WHO), is endemic. In this project, we are working to prevent the spread of LF by enhancing LF control implementation capacity, developing and strengthening Mass Drug Administration (MDA) operational capabilities, enhancing the development and strengthening of TAS (Transmission Assessment Surveys) operational capabilities post-MDA, and improving capabilities for disease management and disability prevention activities. These initiatives aim to fortify LF control and establish nationwide expansion to curtail infection dissemination.

On April 25th, a full-day training session in preparation for the scheduled implementation of the Ivermectin, Diethylcarbamazine and Albendazole (IDA) Impact Survey (IIS) was conducted in Kokopo, in collaboration with NDOH, WHO, JICA, East New Britain Provincial Health Authority (ENBPHA) and the Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research (PMG-IMR). The survey is to confirm that the LF infection status has reduced to a level where it can be considered as no longer a public health issue in ENBP after the MDA implementation. During the training, the PHA officers were briefed about the entire survey method by WHO, PMG-IMR, and JICA on how to use testing kits, night-time blood tests and recording blood collection results. A total of 26 participants from the PHA attended the training.

The survey will be conducted in 30 randomly selected villages/towns in the province. One hundred and five individuals per selected village/town (a total of 3,150 individuals) who consent to blood sampling will be tested for LF antigen using a rapid test kit. Additional blood sampling will be taken at night for those positive for LF antigen test to confirm the presence of microfilaria, which are taken up by mosquitoes when they suck blood. Those who have positive results are given additional medication. Lately, the survey has commenced in the target survey areas in the province since April 29th, and survey, monitoring, and data collection activities are ongoing.

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Training for blood collection

Reporting the blood collection

Doing the blood collection

To confirm the positive case using the LF kits

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