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Outline of the Project

Project Name

Capacity Building for the Quality Standard Control of Agricultural Materials (Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides)


Kingdom of Cambodia

Project Site

Project Office: Phnom Penh

Pilot Areas

Kien Svay and Koh Thom Districts in Kandal Province

Date of R/D signed

January 30, 2009

Term of Cooperation

March 01 2009 to March 31 2012

Implementing Organization

Dept. of Agricultural Legislation, General Directorate of Agriculture

Cooperating Organization

Dept. of Agriculture in the Philippines

Project Background

Agricultural sector has played an important role for economic growth of Cambodia with the fact that 80% of population is in rural areas and 60% lives on agriculture in the country.

On the other hand, since the agricultural sector contributes only to 33.5% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), enhancement of agricultural productivity has been set up as one of the main priorities in the national development strategies such as "Rectangular Strategy for Growth, Employment, Equity and Efficiency Phase II" and "Strategy for Agriculture and Water 2006-2010."

Because most of chemical fertilizers and pesticides are illegally imported from the neighboring countries like Vietnam and Thailand and sold in local markets without the Khmer labels. As such, most end-users do not know how to select and use them properly. Improper use of pesticides may not only hinder enhancement of their agricultural productivity but also cause health and environmental problems and food insecurity.

Therefore, it is essential for the Cambodian government to improve the management of agricultural materials and properly give necessary information on correct selection and use of agricultural materials for sound and sustainable economic and social development in this country.

In order to achieve these, analytical capabilities for agricultural materials of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (MAFF) must be enhanced. At the same time, necessary information on proper selection and use of agricultural materials must be provided for the end-users and the general public.

Hence, the Cambodian government officially requested the Japanese government to implement the QCAM Project through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

Overall Goal

Proper usage and quality control of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is enhanced in Kandal and neighboring provinces.

Project Purpose

Proper usage and quality control of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is enhanced in pilot area.

Outputs and Activities

Output 1

Baseline data for the Project is developed.


1-1Select pilot area based on the criteria.
1-2Prepare questionnaire.
1-3Conduct interviews with traders.
1-4Develop baseline data report.

Output 2

Capability of laboratories is improved in terms of analyses of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.


2-1Set up of laboratories for analyses of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
2-2Carry out On-the-Job-Trainings (OJT) and/or training in the Philippines for the laboratory staff to analyze chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
2-3Analyze the quality of samples for chemical fertilizers and pesticides collected in pilot area (results are shared through awareness raising activities under Output4).
2-4Develop manuals for:
  • 1) Analyses of Chemical fertilizers (N, P, K and some other elements)
  • 2) Analyses of Pesticides (some prioritized active ingredients)
  • 3) Operation and maintenance of laboratory equipment

Output 3

3 Development of Regulation related to Standard Requirement for registration and post-registration of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is facilitated with the expectation of having the 1st draft.


3-1Review the present administrative documents and regulations for chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
3-2Exchange views on regulations related to Standard Requirement for registration and post-registration of chemical fertilizers and pesticides with relevant departments in MAFF and other key stakeholders.
3-3Provide recommendations for the new Regulation through the collaborative efforts with relevant authorities including other donors.

Output 4

Awareness is raised on proper usage and quality of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.


4-1Develop materials for public awareness raising such as pamphlet, posters, and audio visual media.
4-2Develop materials for retailers on proper selection and use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
4-3Conduct awareness raising activities for public.
4-4Conduct awareness raising activities for retailers.
(Activities include collaboration with FAO through sharing materials developed under 4-2.)


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