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Outline of the Project

Project Name

Project for Development of Regional Disaster Risk Resilience Plan in Central Sulawesi

Duration of the Project

3 years (December 26th 2018 - November 25th 2021)

Main Implementing Organizations

  • - Local Government of Central Sulawesi province, Palu city, Sigi district, and Donggala district
  • - Ministry of Land and Spatial Planning / National Land Agency (ATR)
  • - Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing; (PUPR)
  • - Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (BMKG)
  • - Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG)
  • - National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB)


Government of Indonesia, People of Indonesia


Rehabilitation and recovery from the earthquake will be enhanced, and disaster-resilient cities will be created through implementation of proposed Regional Disaster Risk Resilience Plan.


  1. Disaster risk assessment and hazard map
  2. Spatial Plan(s) based on disaster risk assessment
  3. Promotion of resilient infrastructure and public facilities.
  4. Realization of livelihood recovery and community restoration


Activities for Output (1)

1-1. To analyze disaster affected area
1-2. To conduct geological survey
1-3. To assess hazard of natural disaster such as liquefaction, landslide and Tsunami
1-4. To support local government and Ministry of Land and Spatial Planning (ATR) for elaborating hazard map
1-5. To provide reference manuals for formulating hazard map

Activities for Output (2)

2-1. To review existing and draft Spatial Plan(s) in selected area
2-2. To support local government and ATR to formulate Spatial Plan(s) (RTRW) and Detail Spatial Plan(s) (RDTR) based on the result of disaster risk assessment
2-3. To support local government, PU and ATR to formulate, improve and operate land use regulation and building regulation
2-4. To provide reference manuals for formulating Spatial Plan (RTRW) and Detail Spatial Plan (RDTR) based on disaster risk assessment

Activities for Output (3)

3-1. To identify target sectors of infrastructure and public facility (Tentative target sectors are: a) road and bridge, b) port, c) water supply, d) irrigation, e) disaster risk reduction infrastructure such as sea dyke, and e) public facilities such as hospital, school, and government office)
3-2. To analyze damage condition of target sectors
3-3. To review regulations, guidelines, manuals of structural design and construction
3-4. To formulate draft reference manuals of structural design for resilient infrastructure/public facilities
3-5. To support local government, PU and/or MOT for formulation of basic reconstruction concept of target sector
3-6. To support local government, PU and/or MOT for formulation of basic design of selected reconstruction projects based on the reference manual
3-7. To support local government, PU and/or MOT for construction of infrastructure and/or public facilities as Pilot Project(s)
3-8. To finalize the reference manuals of structual design for resilient infrastructure/public facilities
3-9. To support related ministries and organizations for improvement of existing regulations, guidelines and manuals

Activities for Output (4)

4-1. To review Action Plan(s) of livelihood and community restoration drafted by local government(s)
4-2. To select Pilot Project(s)
4-3. To support local government(s) to implement Pilot Project(s)
4-4. To formulate the reference manuals for implementation of Livelihood and community restoration from disaster


Indonesian Side

  1. Services of BAPPENAS's counterpart personnel and administrative personnel as referred to in I-6;
  2. Coordination of relevant organizations to cooperate with and implement the Project in an effective manner;
  3. Suitable office space with necessary equipment;
  4. Credentials or identification cards;
  5. Available data (including maps and photographs) and information related to the Project; and
  6. Running expenses necessary for the implementation of the Project.

Japanese Side

  1. Dispatch of Experts
  2. Training


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