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Outline of the Project

Project Name

"Supporting Community Initiatives for Primary Education Development Phase II" (CIED II)



Date R/D signed

June 28, 2012

Project Site

Champasack ,Savannakhet ,Salavan ,Sekong Province

Term of Cooperation

Sep 1, 2012 - Aug 31, 2016

Implementing Organization

Ministry of Education and Sports

Project Background

The Project "Supporting Community Initiatives for Primary Education Development Phase II" (CIED II) aims to improve the access and quality of primary education through strengthening the capacity of education administration, both at central and local levels.

As advocated in the Education Sector Development Plan, Education for All (EFA) and Millennium Development Goal (MDGs), the goal and policy of the Lao government is that "All Lao children in our villages, districts, provinces and the country enroll and graduate at least primary education".

To achieve this outcome, CIED II supports capacity development of District Education and Sports Bureaus, Provincial Education and Sports Services, and the Ministry of Education and Sports, to be able to plan, implement, monitor and evaluate their respective Education Development Plans, which reflect the reality of schools with a systematic bottom-up approach at each level.


Overall Goal: Access and quality of primary education in the target provinces are improved.

Project Purpose: Access and quality of primary education in the target districts are improved.

Expected Outcome

The CIED II Project expects three outputs as described below:

  1. The Capacity of the Ministry of Education and Sports (MOES) for planning and implementing trainings toward achieving Education Quality Standard (EQS) is strengthened.
  3. Appropriate measures for achieving Education Quality Standards (EQS), based on situation analysis, are considered, implemented and/or proposed by Provincial Education and Sports Service (PES) and District Education and Sports Bureau (DEB).
  5. The Capacity of Provincial Education and Sports Services (PES) and District Education and Sports Bureaus (DEB) to support schools for the implementation of School Development Plans (SDP) is strengthened.

Project Activities

1-1. Related departments in MoES (DPPE, DTT, DP, DOF, ESQAC, DER) determine contents, feasible implementation methods and delivery structure of EQS and School Block Grant (SBG) training.

1-2. Based on 1-1, MoES formulates TOT implementation and budget plan related to EQS and SBG management.

1-3. Based on 1-2, departments concerned in MoES review modules for EQS training and its TOT for their necessary revisions, and develop modules for SBG management training and its TOT.

1-4. MoES develops standard format for EQS assessment and monitoring, and integrates it into the training module to be developed in 1-3.

1-5. Master trainers in MoES are trained using the booklet for trainers developed by CIED 1.

1-6. Master trainers in MoES conduct TOT by utilizing modules developed in 1-3. (The same TOT as in 3-1)

1-7. MoES and the target provinces periodically conduct joint reviews on the progress towards EQS achievement.

1-8. Based on requests from PESS/DESB as specified in 2-5, MoES revises modules for EQS and SBG management training and their TOT, as well as TOT implementation and budget plan.

2-1. MoES prepares a guideline/handbook to conduct a situation analysis based on education statistics and EQS indicators. The guideline/handbook includes steps, methods and process/workflow. (Related to 3-2)

2-2. Using the guideline/handbook developed in 2-1, MoES conducts training and on-the-job training (OJT) for PESS/ DESB.

2-3. PESS and DESB conduct a situation analysis and, identify and compile measures to respond to education issues and problems.

2-4. PESS and DESB implement measures identified and compiled in activity 2-3.

2-5. Relating to 2-3, PESS and DESB request provincial administration office and MoES to take appropriate measures on issues beyond their domain of responsibility.

2-6. PESS and DESB monitor and follow up on results of implementation of 2-4 and progress of 2-5.

3-1. MoES conducts TOT on EQS to PESS and DESB. (The same TOT as in 1-6)

3-2. PESS and DESB classify schools based on situation analysis in 2-3, and identify lower performing schools.

3-3. PESS and DESB support planning of SDP by the schools identified in 3-2 and their Village Education Development Committee (VEDC).

3-4. PESS and DESB approve SDP formulated by the schools identified in 3-2 and their VEDC, and submit necessary documents to MoES.

3-5. PESS and DESB monitor the schools identified in 3-2 and review progress of their SDP, compile the monitoring results, and provide necessary support and guidance to the schools.

3-6. PESS and DESB share and accumulate experience and know-how on supporting SDP implementation by appropriate means.

3-7. PESS and DESB reflect the results of 3-5 and 3-6 in their planning and implementation for supporting schools in the following year.

3-8. PESS and DESB summarize results of the activity 3-7 and report to MoES.


To achieve the outputs above, The CIED II Project provides support as follows;

  • Dispatch of long-term experts for MoES
  • Trainings for central-level trainers (MoES)
  • Training of Trainers (TOT) courses, done by central trainers from MoES to build capacity of PES/DEB trainers
  • Trainings done by PES/DEB trainers to build capacity of the schools and the Village Education Development Committee (VEDC)
  • Materials and equipment


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