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Project News

25th Aug 2023

Project News Vol.6

The Joint Meeting of Four Southern Provinces on QHCF Project was held

Last year, the provincial assessor training was conducted in October to ensure that individuals who serve as assessors for hospital assessment based on the national standard called 5 goods 1 satisfaction standards (5G1S standards) for health facilities at the provincial level are knowledgeable and competent to conduct the on-site assessment in healthcare facilities (see the Project News Vol.1 for more details). In July 2023, the certified assessors at provincial level conducted the assessor training based on 5G1S standards at the district level in four southern provinces which are Champasak, Salavan, Sekong, and Attapeu. The expert of quality improvement supervised the training and understood the situation of district hospitals. In the training, the trainees discussed the assessment methods and enhanced their understanding of 5G1S standards. The assessors explained the goal of the assessment and supervised the improvement of the quality in district hospitals.

Through these assessor trainings, the trainees at the district level exchanged the lesson they have learned to 5G1S standards activities and was able to write the report regarding the implementation. After the training has been completed, each provincial health office issued a certificate to trainees. As a next step, these newly certified assessors in the districts will conduct the assessment for their own facilities by themselves based on 5G1S standards.

Assessor training at district in ChampasakAssessor training at district in Champasak

Assessor training at district in ChampasakAssessor training at district in Champasak

Assessor training at district in SalavanAssessor training at district in Salavan

Assessor training at district in SalavanAssessor training at district in Salavan

Assessor training at district in SekongkAssessor training at district in Sekongk

Assessor training at district in SekongAssessor training at district in Sekong

Assessor training at district in AttapeuAssessor training at district in Attapeu

Assessor training at district in AttapeuAssessor training at district in Attapeu

The QHCF project provided notebook computers to each province and the Department of Healthcare Rehabilitation, Ministry of Health to make the reporting and summarizing the assessment results smooth.

PC provision at DHRPC provision at DHR

PC provision at each provincePC provision at each province


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