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Outline of the Project

Chief AdvisorRD signed Jan 10, 2006

Chief AdvisorLaunching IFUGAO

Chief AdvisorLaunching BILIRAN

Chief AdvisorNational Project Management Comittee

Chief AdvisorIfugao Barangay campaign sing contest

Chief AdvisorIfugao Genderequuality mans taking initiatives

Chief AdvisorIfugao showing practice of delivery at barangay

Chief AdvisorIfugao Health Education to children by AYOD member


Maternal and Child Health Project



Date of R/D Signed

Jan 10, 2006

Term of Cooperation

From March 2006 until March 2010


Implementing Organization : Department of Health, Ifugao and Biliran Provinces


The Republic of the Philippines has been reducing Maternal Mortality Ration and Neonatal Mortality ates over the last several decades.However compared with neighboring countries in ASEAN, the rate of reduction is rather slower-paced than Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia. The underlying causes for the situation are inadequate capacity of the health/medical facility to provide quality EmOC services in terms of manpower, skills, equipment, medicine, and non functional referral system for referring high risk pregnancies.Lack of awareness on the part of mothers to seek timely medical care and preference of mothers to conduct deliveries at their homes are also attributing factors.

In order to achieve MDG by 2015, concerted efforts are required.The Department of Health launched FOURmula ONE for Health in 2005 as the new health sector reform implementation framework, through which, critical reforms will be undertaken with "speed, precision, and effective coordination" and are directed at improving the efficiency effectivenwess and equity of the Philippine health system.

It is expected that the project will contribute to health reforms through supports to strenghten local health system and at the same time maternal and child health programs.The target areas of Mayoyao Inter Local Health Zone, Ifugao Province and Biliran Province have been selected taking into consideration of existing donor coordination, health indicators and others. Ifugao is poor mountain province and has high rate of home delivery.

Biliran, an island province with poor road network, has high home delivery with highest MMR in the country.Considering these problems, the project aims to contribute to improved quality of maternal and child care services and community awareness.


Overall Goal:In the framework of National Goal of Improving Women and Child Health, the central and provincial levels organizational capacity to implement effective MCH strategies is strengthened and the quality and quantity of MCH services is enhanced.

Project Purpose:In the project target areas, the health and safety of mothers and neonates during the pre-natal, deliver and postpartum periods is improved by ensuring the quality of care and increasing the utilization of services provided.


  1. Implementation mechanism and capacity of the central level (DOH Central and Region) to enhance Emergency Obsetric Care: EmOC at all levels is strengthened.
  2. The MCH services and EmOC are strengthened in the project target areas.
  3. Supporting mechanisms for mothers and babies in the communities are strengthened.
  4. Management and supportive supervision mechanisms are in place for WHTs and midwives in order to improve quality of service and their work environment in the project target areas.
  5. Lessons learned from the MCH project implementation contribute to the dialogues at the national and the provincial levels MCH policy discussion and is reflected in the MCH policy formulation.

Project Activities

1-1.Establish the central level JCC, a mechanism to monitor and manage the MCH project implementation.
1-2.Assit in establishing EmOC, monitoring mechanism.
1-3.Assist in strengthening the EmOC training by providing equipment for Fabella Hospital and in reproduction of the existing standard manuals.
1-4.Develop and print training materials for CMMNC Trainers and implement nationwide TOT on CMMNC.
1-5.Provide Philippine side project counterparts capacity building trainings in Japan on the MCH program management.
2-1.Conduct baseline survey of current MCH situation.
2-2.Establish project EC and TWG to monitor project implementation.
2-3.Provide BEmOC trainings for all SBAs working in District Hospitals and RHUs.
2-4.Provice CMMNC trainings for all SBAs.
2-5.Provide Life Saving Skills trainings for midwives in BHS int he project target areas.
2-6.Assist in the upgrading RHUs by providing equipment and trainings towards PhilHealth accreditation for the MCP.
2-7.Assist some remote BHSs to function as birthing stations.
2-8.Assist Mayoyao DH to be upgraded to CEmOC and Biliran PH to 3rd level hospita.
3-1.Organize Women's Health Team to improve community participation through birth preparedness in the community, conduct WHT trainings, and carry out WHT activities in their communities.
3-2.Assist in establishing community based multi sectoral group to assist the needs of mothers.
4-1.Conduct supporting supervision to WHT and SBA.
4-2.Conduct regular meetings among RHU staff.
4-3.Conduct regular meetings with WHTs and rural health midwifes.
4-4.Conduct Maternal Death Review and case conference.
5-1.Reactivate the MCH TWG.
5-2.Participate iin MCH TWG meetings to share the information about the project and to discuss policy issues.
5-3.Provide MCH training materials to the whole nation through the MCH TWG.


Input summary by Japanese side

  • Japanese Experts: Chief Advisor, Public Health Program Coordinator, Project Coordinator, etc.
  • Equipment: EmOC equipment, Ambulances, etc.
  • Local Cost: Local consultant, cost for trainings, etc.
  • Training in Japan


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