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Veterinary Clinical Diagnostic Technology

From 3 July to 2 September 2006, Dr. Anri Akira came Vietnam work as the short term expert of JICA dairy project. During this time he focused on improving knowledge and techniques of veterinary clinical diagnosis technology both onsite and in laboratory training for 6 full time counterparts who will be the National trainer (NT) in the near future. Besides, he also cooperated with animal health worker in Ba vi Veterinary Station to instruct them at the farms. For the attainment of his purpose, during his assignment, he used ninety dairy cattle. Amongst that there was 2 healthy cattle for practicing, thirty six healthy cattle in the farm for purpose of “health check” and fifty two sick cattle in the farm for ”Diagnosis and Treatment”. With the aim at improving knowledge and transferring advanced dairy technology for Project counterparts and animal health workers in Ba vi area, he taught them such content as: Basic technology of veterinary medical services with how to keep medical record, how to measure body weight and body temperature, how to use stethoscope to check pulse rate and respiratory rate, clinical examinations, blood and urine collection, Measurement of Hematocrit, Plasma and Serum Protein, WBC counts, blood smear and giemsa staining, interpretation of each disease results, cow side tests for mastitis detection , bacteriological examination, sensitivity tests and so on.

Some pictures below are showing his assignment activities:

photCow for practising

photHealthy cows

photUnhealthy cow

photKeeping record at farm

photMeasure body temperature

photBody me measurement

photWBC counts WBC counts

photBlood collection


photBlood smear

photPP &SP (Refractometer)

photGiemsa smear


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