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April 25, 2019

Safe Food from Farm to Dinner Table

Valerie Kalopong,
Meat Inspector,
Department of Biosecurity

This year 2019, I attended a training course in Obihiro, Japan. Funded by JICA from the 25th February to 25th April. Obihiro is in Hokkaido, northern island, the coldest place during the winter season and it is a nice and pleasant experience.


Local Industry development on enhancement of hygiene and quality management of Animal Source food product: Egg, Meat, and Milk" the training course. The purpose of the training is to understand the importance of hygiene during food production and processing.

To appreciate the advance technology used to increase production and understand the food safety and trade concepts.


Vanuatu is one of the eight countries selected to attend the training. Since Meat Industry is a blooming industry in the country it was a good opportunity to expand our knowledge on the ways to improve production, food safety standards and facilitate market opportunities. Japan is also an importing country of Vanuatu Beef.

The meat industry in Japan is well developed.

Selected breed of cattle "Japanese Black" taste juicer a preserved breed which it's fatten only for meat purpose.

Japan Government has a good network system which fully support and encourages production sector.


The Japan Agriculture System which increase involvement of farmers to improve quality and safe products. A well establish Traceability system to ensure food security and Involvement meat grading system information used for research, fairness in trading and selection of improved breed. Establishment of food safety standards to ensure quality control systems are in place from farm to table to ensure food safety.

I am involved in the Meat Industry as a Meat Inspector. The knowledge I obtained is to improve service delivery of meat inspection in my work place. Unified related agencies involve in meat industry and share information on statistics collected at the abattoir on weights, pathology records, stock type and so forth.


Review meat establishment systems and carry out audits to standardize quality control and assure quality systems. Conduct training to improve hygiene in meat establishments include rural butchery and awareness program on meat hygiene and food safety. This initiative is to ensure meat intended for consumption must come from healthy animals, processed in quality control system to produce quality, safe and wholesome meat product.


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