JICA Ogata Research Institute

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‘Madam, This is Our Metro!—India and Japan Committed to a Better World & Future’: The First Cartoon of Project History Series Published

January 16, 2023

JICA has published the first comic book of Project History Series

JICA has been publishing a series of books titled “Project History” since 2010. It aims to review the trajectories and achievements of technical cooperation, financial cooperation, and volunteer programs conducted by JICA for developing countries.

JICA has published the first comic book of this series titled “Madam, This is Our Metro!—India and Japan Committed to a Better World & Future” on the JICA website. Through this comic, JICA aims to arouse the interest of the younger generation regarding developing countries and the challenges faced by the world.

This book is set in India, whose rapid economic growth has led to various problems, such as traffic congestion in large cities, which results in delays in public transportation (e.g., buses) and air pollution due to exhaust gas. This book focuses on the development of a subway (metro) system in the capital city of Delhi, which represents a breakthrough in addressing these problems. The book is a heartwarming story about the activities of the author, Abe Reiko, who aspired to work as a civil engineer, which is viewed as a male-dominated occupation in Japan, and struggled at a metro construction site in India.

JICA Ogata Research Institute has so far published four other English-language books in this series, and its information is found in the link (Project History) below. This comic is translated from a text-based Japanese book, which is available only in Japanese. This English comic book can be accessed through the following link.

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