Emergency Assistance to the Independent State of Papua New Guinea in Response to the Damage caused by the Flood and Landslide
The Japan International Cooperation Agency will provide emergency relief goods as below in response to the Flood and Landslide disaster, upon the request from the Government of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea.
1. Disaster situation
Landslides and floods, which occurred around Mid-March, has been causing serious
human and property damage. According to Government of Papua New Guinea, the
damage situation as of 28 March was as follows:
Deaths 23
Affected 89,146
Evacuees 9,344
Damaged houses 10,022
2. Goods supplied
A. Emergency relief goods (from the JICA warehouse in [location])
Plastic sheets
Sleeping pads
Portable jerry cans
Water purifiers
B. Shipping schedule
The goods will be transported from the JICA warehouse in Singapore to Port
Moresby on the next available flight.