Continuation of Measures against Fraud
JICA decided to continue the current measures against the following company as shown below.
The name of the company
Constructora Nacional, S.A. (Guatemala)
Original period of disqualification
From November 15, 2019 to May 14, 2021 (18 months)
Continued period of disqualification
From May 15, 2021 until further notice
The measures
(1) This company will be suspended from its eligibility for participation in the process of procurement for grant aid and ODA loan projects during the period shown above. However, if it is determined to be clearly contrary to the interests of beneficiary countries, the process will be decided otherwise.
(2) This company will be suspended from its eligibility for participation in competition of any procurement contract with JICA.
(3) Measures above will be applied to any joint ventures which include this company. This company, during the same period, will not be allowed to be a sub-contractor, etc. for a contract with JICA and for grant aid and ODA loan projects.
(This decision was made because Constructora Nacional, S.A. was involved in the bribery in relation to the ZONAPAZ Road Improvement Project (Loan Agreement signed in 2006) in the Republic of Guatemala. The measures against Constructora Nacional, S.A. are decided to be continued because the condition of "End or Termination of Measures" required by JICA rules was not satisfied due to the delay of finalization of compliance program of the company.)