Signing of Grant Agreements with Palestinian Authority: Contributing to the improvement of the educational environment in the basic and middle schools and the living environment of refugees in Palestine

[Goal 4] Quality Education
[Goal 10] Reduced Inequalities
[Goal 11] Sustainable Cities and Communities


On October 21, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed grant agreements with the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah, to provide grant aid of up to 3.464 billion yen for the following two projects.

(1) The Project for the Construction of Schools for the Improvement of Quality and Environment of Education (grant amount: 2.464 billion yen)
(2) The Programme for the Improvement of Refugee Camps (grant amount: 1 billion yen)

Details for the projects are provided below.

(1) The Project for the Construction of Schools for the Improvement of Quality and Environment of Education

<Objective and Summary>
The purpose of the project is to improve the educational environment of the basic and middle schools in the West Bank and Gaza Strip through the construction of basic and middle schools including kindergartens, and the procurement and installation of educational equipment. The project is expected to increase the number of students who study in a better environment and increase their time for studying. The project will contribute to the achievement of SDGs Goal 4.


signing ceremony


signing ceremony

[Basic project information]
Country Palestinian Authority
Project title The Project for the Construction of Schools for the Improvement of the Quality and Environment of Education
Planned implementation period 51 months, including detailed design work and the bidding period
Executing agency Ministry of Education
Target region, facilities 10 schools in the West Bank and Gaza Strip
Specific project details
① Facility improvements/equipment procurement
Facility improvements: 155 classrooms, rooms for teachers, libraries, multi-purpose halls, science laboratories, technology laboratories, classrooms for the disabled, toilets, etc., in 10 schools.
Equipment procurement: ICT equipment and educational equipment including experimental equipment
② Consulting services
Detailed design work, bidding assistance, construction/procurement supervision, financial management, etc.

(2) The Programme for the Improvement of Refugee Camps

<Objective and Summary>
Under this program, the living environment of the refugee camps in the West Bank will be enhanced by the provision of a grant for implementation of a camp improvement plan developed by participatory framework. This project will contribute to the achievement of SDGs Goals 10, 11, and 16.

[Basic project information]
Country Palestinian Authority
Project title The Programme for the Improvement of Refugee Camps
Planned implementation period 60 months
Executing agency Ministry of Finance, Palestinian Authority and Department of Refugee Affairs, Palestine Liberation Organization
Target region, facilities Refugee camps in West Bank
Specific project details
Provision of grant to implement camp improvement plan developed by camp residents including the youth, persons with disabilities, and women.

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