Signing of Record of Discussions on Technical Cooperation Project with El Salvador: Support for learning improvement of children in Central America

[Goal 4] Quality Education


On January 19, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a Record of Discussions with the Government of the Republic of El Salvador in San Salvador for the Project for Improvement of Mathematics Learning based on the Results of Evaluation Process in Primary and Secondary Education, a technical cooperation project.

The project aims to support mathematics education activities at school level based on ESMATE strategy [*], reflecting the results of learning survey in revision of teaching and learning materials. Moreover, the project will share its experience with other Central American countries. The project will contribute to the achievement of SDGs Goal 4.

* The “ESMATE strategy” means a series of pedagogical measures to promote students’ active learning on mathematics using the materials developed in the former technical cooperation project.

Details for the project are provided below.


Ms. Carla Evelyn Hanania de Varela, Minister of Education of El Salvador

[Basic project information]
Country Republic of El Salvador
Project title Project for Improvement of Mathematics Learning based on the Results of Evaluation Process in Primary and Secondary Education
Planned implementation period 48 months
Executing agency Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MINEDUCYT)
Target region All of areas of El Salvador
Specific project details
Supporting the system of learning survey; improving practices of mathematics lessons, improving learning materials.

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