Signing of Grant Agreement with Sierra Leone: Contributing to the stable and efficient distribution of electricity in non-electrified areas through the construction of a substation and transmission network

On December 19, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a grant agreement with the Government of the Republic of Sierra Leone in Freetown, to provide grant aid of up to 2,070 million yen for the Project for the Extension of Power Distribution Network along the Freetown Peninsula.
Signing ceremony
In Sierra Leone, infrastructure, including power generation and distribution facilities, has been severely damaged as a result of the civil war, which began in 1991 and lasted approximately 10 years. Although reconstruction is progressing, it is not able to meet the accelerating increase in electricity demand, and the power supply is inadequate even for the provision of basic social services such as education and healthcare. To break free from poverty—the cause of the civil war—it is essential to promote industrial development, and improving access to electricity is critical as the foundation of such development.
Under this project, a substation and power distribution network will be constructed in the southern area of Freetown Peninsula, where the country’s capital is located. In the northwestern part of the peninsula, Japan has constructed power distribution lines under the past grant assistance project called “The Project for Urgent Improvement of Power Distribution System in Freetown”, and the World Bank is developing the northeastern part of the peninsula. Together with these endeavors, this project will electrify the entire peninsula.
This project will contribute to the achievement of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Goals 7 (Affordable and clean energy), 9 (Industry, innovation and infrastructure), and 11 (Sustainable cities and communities).
Details for the project are provided below.
Country | The Republic of Sierra Leone |
Project title | The Project for the Extension of Power Distribution Network along the Freetown Peninsula |
Planned implementation period | 37 months, including detailed design work and the bidding period |
Executing agency | Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority |
Target region, facilities | Southern area of Freetown Peninsula |
Specific project details (provisional) |
①Facility construction/equipment procurement Construction of transmission/distribution facilities ②Consulting services Detailed design work, bidding assistance, construction/procurement supervision |