Signing of Record of Discussions on Technical Cooperation for Development Planning with Cambodia: Contributing to improved access to safe water through the formulation of The Urban Water Supply Development Guide

On January 12, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a Record of Discussions with the Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia for the Project for Formulation of the Development Plan for Urban Water Supply, a technical cooperation project for development planning.
Access to safe water in regional cities in Cambodia remains low. Apart from the two public water supply authorities and 10 public waterworks that exist in major cities, water services in Cambodia are provided by private operators. In order to achieve a safe water supply for people throughout the country, an efficient demarcation between public and private water-supply operators is needed.
Signing ceremony
Building on the achievements of Japan's past cooperation toward improving the Cambodian water supply, which resulted in the 'Phnom Penh Miracle (*)', this project will support the formulation of the Urban Water Supply Development Guide to provide safe, sustainable, and resilient water services, extending the benefits of JICA’s previous cooperation to provinces. By supporting capacity building so that the Cambodian government can formulate and implement provincial urban water supply development plans and public waterworks’ master plans on their own, based on the Urban Water Supply Development Guide, this project will contribute to improved access to safe water, especially in provinces in Cambodia, as well as to SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Goal 6 (Clean water and sanitation).
Country | The Kingdom of Cambodia |
Project title | The Project for Formulation of the Development Plan for Urban Water Supply |
Planned implementation period | 36 months |
Executing agency | General Department of Water, Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation; Provincial Department of Water, Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation; public waterworks; water supply authorities |
Target region | Whole of Cambodia (model activities: Kampot and Prey Veng) |
Specific project details (provisional) |
Assessment of the current status of public and private water supplies and development of the concept of their ideal form; development of the Urban Water Supply Development Guide; development of model provincial urban water supply development plans and public waterworks’ master plans; capacity building of the Department of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation in various regions |