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Signing of Grant Agreement with the Palestinian Authority :Contributing to preventing the risk of waste-derived infections through the installation of the necessary equipment for the sterilization of infectious waste
On February 19, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a grant agreement with the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah to provide grant aid of up to 1,006 million yen for the Project for the Improvement of Infectious Waste Management.
Signing ceremony
In recent years, with the spread and prolongation of COVID-19 infections worldwide, the amount of infectious waste generated in Palestine has continued to increase. Moreover, the burden of the collection, transportation, sterilization, and final disposal of such waste placed upon the Joint Service Council, which provides waste management services, has rapidly increased.
This project therefore aims to strengthen the infectious waste management system in the West Bank. It will do so by providing the necessary equipment for the sterilization, collection, transportation, and final disposal of infectious waste, thereby contributing to preventing the risk of waste-derived infections.
This project will also contribute to the achievement of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Goals 3 (Good health and well-being) and 11 (Sustainable cities and communities).
Details for the project are provided below.
[Basic project information]
Palestinian Authority
Project title
The Project for the Improvement of Infectious Waste Management
Planned implementation period
23 months, including detailed design work and the bidding period
Executing agency
Ministry of Local Government, Joint Service Councils
Target region, facilities
West Bank
Specific project details (provisional)
1. Equipment procurement
Two microwave treatment units, waste collection and transportation equipment, equipment for final disposal site development, and approx. 4,000 containers for waste separation, collection, and discharge.
2. Consulting services
Detailed design work, bidding assistance, construction/procurement supervision (as guidance in managing the facilities), support for activities related to separation, discharge, and storage at medical facilities, support for preparation of manuals for collection and transportation of infectious waste, support for appropriate disposal of infectious waste after treatment, and technical support for operation and maintenance of equipment, etc.