Signing of Record of Discussions on Technical Cooperation Project with the Republic of Rwanda: Contributing to the development of high-value-added professionals who meet the needs of industries advancing economic growth

On November 3, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a Record of Discussions with the Government of the Republic of Rwanda in Kigali City for the Project for Quality Education towards Social Transformation, a technical cooperation project.
In Rwanda, agriculture, forestry, and fisheries account for approximately 27% of GDP (as of 2022), with an industrial structure centered around small-scale farmers. However, the Rwandan government aims to shift the country’s focus from primary industries to tertiary industries, such as services. Currently, the skills and abilities of graduates from educational institutions do not meet the expectations of the labor market. It is thus urgent to realize talent development within the education sector that is aligned with the needs of industry.
This project, in collaboration with Integrated Polytechnic Regional College (referred to as IPRC), a higher technical education institution with eight establishments in Rwanda, and its overseeing body Rwanda Polytechnic, will contribute to the cultivation of industrial talent in the country, doing so through the development and implementation of curriculum modules (especially those in IT-related disciplines) in coordination with industry. It will thereby also contribute to the achievement of SDGs Goals 4 (Quality Education) and 9 (Industry, innovation, and infrastructure).
Signing Ceremony
Details for the project are provided below.
Country | The Republic of Rwanda |
Project title | Project for Quality Education towards Social Transformation |
Planned implementation period | 48 months |
Executing agency | Rwanda Polytechnic |
Target region | City of Kigali; districts in which IPRC has establishments, such as Rulindo, etc. |
Specific project details (provisional) | Define the skills needed by industry of IPRC graduates; develop and implement pilot modules at IPRC establishments based on he defined needs; and improve the overall revision process and mechanism of the curriculum based on the development and implementation process. |