G7 Hiroshima Commemorative Event, Japan and UNICEF Working Together in the Fight against COVID-19: Reaching the Last One Mile for All - Stories from the Field -
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On Wednesday, May 17, 2023, 4:00-5:30 p.m., the G7 Commemorative Event, "Japan and UNICEF Working Together in the Fight against COVID-19: Reaching the Last One Mile for All - Stories from the Field -" will be held online. This event will report on how UNICEF, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and other stakeholders tackled health challenges on the ground with the support of the Government of Japan and what results have been achieved. In particular, we will focus on the "Last One Mile Support," which was implemented with the vision of leaving no one behind. At the occasion of the G7 Summit held in Japan, we will also discuss the importance of strengthening an international framework of cooperation and global solidarity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to global public health crises in the future, with Dr. Agnes Chan, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, as a moderator.
• Date & Time:
May 17, 2023 / 16:00-17:30
• Venue:
• Speakers & Presentations:
[Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan]
Opening remarks: (TBC)
[Ms. Kyoko Takashima, Project Coordinator and Former Project Formulation Advisor of JICA Vietnam Office]
The JICA Support for Strengthening the Capacity of Vaccination System in Lai Chau Province bordering China - No One left behind -
[Ms. Maki Robinson, Senior Advisor, UNICEF Tokyo]
UNICEF's partnership with Japan: Achievements and strengths of partnerships in COVID-19 response
[Ms. Yumiko Shinya, Innovation and Technology for Development Specialist, UNICEF Pacific Islands]
Leave No One Behind: Japan - UNICEF partnership to reach remote islands in the Pacific
[Ms. Haruko Yokote, Health Officer, UNICEF Nepal]
Reaching the Last One Mile for Every Child - Support implementation and success in Nepal
Voices of beneficiaries
[Dr. Shigeaki Nomizu, President & CEO, Twinbird Corporation]
Japan's cold chain technology for the achievement of COVID-19 vaccine delivery around the world
[All speakers]
Q & A
[Mr. Roberto Benes, Director, UNICEF Tokyo]
Closing remarks: Towards health systems strengthening for the world's children
• Facilitator:
Dr. Agnes Chan, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador
• Registration:
Please register at the link below. We will send you the URL to your e-mail address later.
- Pre-registration required with the capacity of 500 participants. Free of charge.
- For mobile devices, high-speed Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) is recommended.
©UNICEF Strengthening of the cold chain system with support from the Government of Japan
©UNICEF Strengthening of the cold chain system with support from the Government of Japan
• Organizers:
UNICEF, Japan Committee for UNICEF, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
• Support:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
UNICEF Tokyo Mihoko Nakagawa
E-mail: mnakagawa@unicef.org
JICA The office for COVID-19 Response
E-mail: hmgoc@jica.go.jp