The Project for Building Disaster Resilience Organization on Comprehensive River Maintenance with Development of Sustainable Riverbank Protection and Institution Technology

Country, Site Bangladesh
Project Outline The objective of the project is to improve institutional and technical capacity of BWDB on buget acquisition, riverbank protection and overall maintenance by improving detailed and analysis-based budget preparation capacity within the organization in terms of sector plan, design, implementation, operation and maintenance and monitoring and evaluation of water sector projects, introducing sustainable and effective designs for riverbank protections, and by improving operation and maintenance capacity of water related infrastructure. (There is a possibility the sentences will change.)
Category B
Reason of
The project is not considered to be a large-scale river project, is not located in a sensitive area, and has none of the sensitive characteristics, under the JICA guidelines for envirionmental and social considerations(April 2010), it is not likely to have a significant adverse impact on the environment.
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