Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Project for Contribution to Flood Protection of City and Pedestrian Street by Utilizing the Characteristics of the Permeable Interlocking Block Pavement

Country, Site Cambodia, Siem Reap City, Phnom Penh City
Project Outline Demonstrate the pedestrian pavement product of inexpensive permeable interlocking block using local materials.Examine the effectiveness of products using local materials.Pilot project will be conducted at sightseeing spot and city center.Verify maintenance cost and life cycle cost of interlocking pavement.Formulate road pavement plan within cities utilizing interlocking pavement.
Category B
Reason of
The project is not located in a sensitive area, nor has sensitive characteristics, nor falls into sensitive sectors under the JICA guidelines for environmental and social considerations, and its potential adverse impacts on the environment are not likely to be significant.
Latest Result of
·Final Report (In Japanese)
Past Results of
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