South Africa


South Africa

JICA started its activity in South Africa in 1991 by sending a survey mission to South Africa concurrent with the abolishment of apartheid related laws, followed by accepting training participants in Japan in 1993. JICA South Africa Office was established in 1997. The first Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers arrived in South Africa in 2002. Furthermore, to enhance its cooperation, the Technical Cooperation Agreement was signed by the both governments in 2011.
To assist the efforts by the people and the Government of South Africa for achieving sustainable development, JICA is extending its support in line with the priority areas of Japan's assistance policy below.
1) Promotion of Human Capacity Development and Infrastructure Development
2) Promotion of Participation of vulnerable groups in Social and Economic Activities, and
3) Promotion of Regional Development in Southern Africa.
JICA is working closely with the counterparts, mainly partner government departments and agencies in South Africa, by making best use of various types of supports, namely, Technical Cooperation Project, ODA Loans, Knowledge Co-creation Program (Training Program), Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers and others.
JICA South Africa Office is also in charge of cooperation to the Kingdom of Eswatini and the Kingdom of Lesotho.

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