A Sampling of JICA's Climate Actions - [India] Metro System Contributing to CO2 Emission Reduction

There are many different approaches to fighting climate change.These projects are aimed at controlling or preparing for climate change.


Metro Development in India

As India accelerates economic growth, the number of car owners has been increasing, resulting in air pollution and traffic congestion that cause serious problems in the major cities. The Delhi Metro Project, which was developed under Japanese ODA loan, contributes to reducing CO2 emissions and air pollution. Mr. M. P. Singh, Chief Development Specialist of the JICA India Office explains the development impact of the Project: "With the introduction of the metro system, the daily volume of vehicles on the road in 2018 decreased by about 700,000. When converted to CO2 emissions, there is a reduction of approximately 990,000 tons. Owing to the use of an energy-efficient braking system developed by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, the Project earned Japan its first Certified Emission Reduction Credits for the railway sector under the UN's Clean Development Mechanism [1] (CDM)."

As air pollution is a big concern, not only in Delhi but also in all major cities throughout India, the government of India intends develop more metro systems. "The Delhi Metro is highly regarded in India as a "Shining Example" that is representative of the cooperation between India and Japan," continues Mr. Singh. "Other Metro projects modeled after this project are already underway in and outside India, including Bangladesh."



After 25 years since its founding, the Delhi Metro now stretches for 373 km, a distance greater than that of the Tokyo Metro.



In 2017, the number of people using the Delhi
Metro reached 1.8 billion people, making it the
seventh most used subway in the world.


M. P. Singh
Chief Development Specialist, JICA India Office

We aimed to cover all electricity needs by using solar power, making our railway project very earth-friendly!