Study on inclusive development in Paraguay: International cooperation experiences

  • #Books and Reports

Study on inclusive development in Paraguay: International cooperation experiences

JICA and the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) co-published the book “Study on inclusive development in Paraguay: International cooperation experiences” in March 2014.

The book examines the impact of JICA’s assistance to Study on the Economic Development of Paraguay (EDEP) on its development. It is confirmed that the EDEP’s development strategy has contributed to major advances in the country’s development by promoting exports to overcome the problem of the small-scale domestic market, and by enhancing agroindustry.

JICA-RI Senior Research Advisor Akio Hosono contributed to the book as one of the editorial supervisors and an author of the first chapter focusing on the basic concepts and outstanding features of the EDEP’s development strategy.

This book is the English version of the one in Spanish presented at an international seminar in Asunción, capital of Paraguay in October 2013.

Date of issuance
March 2014
Related areas
  • #Latin America
  • #Economic Policy
Research area
Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction