No.174 Spillovers as a Driver to Reduce Ex-post Inequality Generated by Randomized Experiments: Evidence from an Agricultural Training Intervention

  • #Working Papers

Randomized experiments ensure equal opportunities but could generate unequal outcomes by treatment status, which can be socially costly. This study demonstrates a sequential intervention to conduct rigorous impact evaluation and subsequently to mitigate ‘“experiment-driven’ driven” inequality, using Cote d’Ivoire as a case.

Specifically, control farmers were initially restricted from exchanging information with treated farmers, who received rice management training, to satisfy the stable unit treatment value assumption. We then encouraged information exchange between the two groups of farmers one year after the training.

We found positive training effects, but initial performance gaps created by our randomized assignment disappeared over time because of information spillovers and, hence, eventually control farmers also benefitted from our experiment.

Keywords: Inequality, Program evaluation, Randomised experiment, Spillover

Kazushi Takahashi, Yukichi Mano, Keijiro Otsuka
Date of issuance
June 2018
Related areas
  • #Africa
  • #Agricultural / Rural Development
Research area
Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction
Research project