No.82 Management of the International Development Aid System and the Creation of Political Space for China: The Case of Tanzania

  • #Working Papers

This paper attempts to assess government behaviors around aid and other development resources in Tanzania where the Poverty Reduction Regime is most advanced, through a deeper analysis of what kind of development aid structures DAC donors and the Tanzanian government have constructed and how the Tanzanian government is taking in development resources not only from DAC donors but also from China through government organizational restructuring. This paper found out that the development aid structure built with precision under poverty reduction regime in Tanzania on the contrary to DAC donors’ intention has led to the Tanzania own initiative for National development plan and created the political space for aid and development finance from China. Furthermore, this paper pointed out that, on the process to creating the international development assistance system, the Tanzanian government has learned to manage aid and been skillfully building beneficiary systems for development not only from DAC donors, but also from China.

Keywords: poverty reduction regime, China, aid effectiveness, DAC donor

Mitsuaki Furukawa
Date of issuance
October 2014
Related areas
  • #Africa
  • #Poverty Reduction
Research area
Development Cooperation Strategies
Research project