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Project News

20th June 2023

Project News Vol.5

The Joint Meeting of Four Southern Provinces on QHCF Project was held

 On the 7th of June, The Joint Meeting of Four Southern Provinces on QHCF Project was held at SALAVAN Provincial Health Office, chaired by Deputy Director General of Department of Healthcare and Rehabilitation, Ministry of Health, and co-chair by Deputy Director of SALAVAN Provincial Health Office and Chief Advisor of QHCF Project.
 The Meeting was aiming for agreeing on the method of Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI). In the Meeting, the Expert on Quality Improvement QHCF Project explained the method of CQI, and each province presented their targeted 5G1S standards* to be addressed. All participants actively exchanged their opinions and shared their challenges. As a result of the discussion, the CQI methods and its implementation approach were agreed among them. The chairs also gave some comments and solutions for the future action plan.
 After the meeting, all provinces joined the hospital tour to see the current situation of Salavan Provincial Hospital (PH). Salavan PH shared the difficulties of achieving some standards. They also showed the participants how they evolved the services after the assessment.

*5G1S standards
Please go to Project News Vol.1 | Technical Cooperation Projects | JICA for more details.

Group Picture in the Joint MeetingGroup Picture in the Joint Meeting

Hospital Tour in Salavan PHHospital Tour in Salavan PH

Hospital Tour in Salavan PHHospital Tour in Salavan PH

Hospital Tour in Salavan PHHospital Tour in Salavan PH


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