JICA Executive Senior Vice President Yamada met with Deputy Prime Minister Quang of Viet Nam
On August 1, JICA Executive Senior Vice President Yamada Junichi met with Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang, during his visit to the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam.
At the opening of the meeting, both parties shared their delight to meet again after the previous meeting in May 2023. Dr. Yamada then expressed his pleasure for the signing of three Japanese ODA loan agreements totaling up to 60,983 million yen on July 4.
In response, Deputy Prime Minister Quang expressed his appreciation for the support provided by Japanese government as well as his hopes for further cooperation on infrastructure development, particularly railroads, GX, DX, and climate change countermeasures. Both parties also confirmed that Japan and Viet Nam will work closely together to further advance the ongoing projects.
A Scene from the meeting