Signing of Grant Agreement with Uganda:Contributing to stabilizing society and to promoting economic growth through improving roads in refugee-hosting areas

[Goal 9] Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
[Goal 16] Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions


On February 11, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a grant agreement with the Government of the Republic of Uganda in Kampala, to provide grant aid of up to 3.821 billion yen forthe Project for the Improvement of National Road in Refugee-hosting Areas of West Nile Sub-region.

The objective of the Project is to develop socio-economic infrastructure and promote smooth transport through improving the national road, a feeder road, and a bridge in refugee-hosting areas of the West Nile sub-region, thereby contributing to stabilization of society and promotion of sustainable economic growth in the West Nile sub-region and northern part of the Republic of Uganda. The Project is expected to benefit both the refugees and the host community and contribute to the achievement of SDGs Goals 9 and 16.


signing ceremony

Details for the project are provided below.

[Basic project information]
Country Republic of Uganda
Project title The Project for the Improvement of National Road in Refugee-hosting Areas of West Nile Sub-region
Planned implementation period 55 months, including detailed design work and the bidding period
Executing agency Uganda National Roads Authority
Target region, facilities Yumbe District
Specific project details
①Facility improvements
Improvement of a two-lane national highway and a feeder road, construction of a bridge, a bridge access road, and ancillary facilities
②Consulting services
Detailed design work, bidding assistance, and construction supervision

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