Signing of Japanese ODA Loan Agreement with the Republic of Uzbekistan: Supporting the construction of Neurology and Stroke Center and the improvement of medical equipment to strengthen the medical services

[Goal 3] Good Health and Well-Being


Correction: February 5, 2025
In an earlier version of this release, there was a mistake with regard to the Completion of the Project of the Planned Implementation Schedule as below:
(Incorrect) February 2033, when NSC starts operation
(Correct) February 2030, when NSC starts operation

On January 20, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a loan agreement with the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the capital city Tashkent, to provide Japanese ODA loan for Health and Medical Service Improvement Project.

Signing ceremony

Outlines on the project are provided as below.

Terms and Amount of Loan

Health and Medical Service Improvement Project

- Country (Target Areas)
The Republic of Uzbekistan
(Tashkent City, Samarkand City, Bukhara City)

- Project Objective
The objective of the Project is to strengthen the medical services for mainly non-communicable diseases such as neurological diseases and the functions of medical personnel development centers, by constructing the Neurology and Stroke Center (NSC) as well as improving the medical facilities and equipment in the regional tertiary hospitals, thereby contributing to the improvement of the health of the people of Uzbekistan.

- Project Component
1) Construction of and Equipment for NSC
2) Equipment for Bukhara State Medical Institute (BSMI), Multidisciplinary Clinic of Samarkand State Medical University (SamSMU1) and Multidisciplinary Specialized Center of Pediatric Surgery (SamSMU2)
3) Consulting Service

- Maximum Loan Amount
22,953 million Japanese Yen

- Annual Interest Rate
Project: 0.50%, Consulting Services: 0.40%

- Repayment Period
40 Years

- Grace Period
10 Years

- Procurement
Tied (except for the construction of NSC), Bilateral tied (the construction of NSC)

- Executing Agency
Ministry of Health

- Contribution to SDGs
Goal 3 (Good health and well-being)

- Planned Implementation Schedule
1. Completion of the Project: February 2033, when NSC starts operation
2. Issuing of letters of invitation for consulting services (including detailed design work): March 2025
3. Tendering of announcement of initial procurement package for international competitive bidding on project construction:Package for Equipment for BSMI, SamSMU1 and SamSMU2
Release date: November 2025

Special Terms for Economic Partnership (STEP)* will apply to the Japanese ODA loan for this project, and Japanese medical equipment utilizing Japanese technology will be procured.

* STEP refers to special assistance terms for promoting the visibility of Japanese aid through a transfer of outstanding Japanese technology and expertise to developing nations. The main contract is Japan tied and subcontracting is general untied. The main agreement partner must generally be a Japanese company, an overseas subsidiary of a Japanese company, or a joint venture between a Japanese company and the borrowing country where the Japanese company is the lead partner, although under certain conditions a joint venture between a Japanese company (which is the lead partner of the joint venture) and an affiliated company (as accounted under the equity method) of a Japanese company may be the main agreement partner.

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