- Developing Legal and Judicial Systems to Protect Rights: [Case 1] Learning about Criminal Justice in Japan
- Developing Legal and Judicial Systems to Protect Rights: [Case 2] Call Centers: Helping People to Access the Legal and Judicial Systems
- Protecting People's Livelihoods based on Trust between Citizens and Police - Police and Locals Working Together to Create Safe and Secure Communities
- Realizing the Right to Access Reliable Information: Rapid Reports and Diverse Programs - Aiming for Reliable Public Broadcasting
- Working with Businesses to Protect Human Rights: Creating a Platform for Collaboration! - Cocoa Free from Child Labor
Ensuring Basic Human Rights: A World in Which Everyone Can Shine
- Feature: Ensuring Basic Human Rights - A World in Which Everyone Can Shine (PDF/529KB)
- Developing Legal and Judicial Systems to Protect Rights: [Case 1] Learning about Criminal Justice in Japan (PDF/490KB)
- Developing Legal and Judicial Systems to Protect Rights: [Case 2] Call Centers: Helping People to Access the Legal and Judicial Systems (PDF/257KB)
- Protecting People's Livelihoods based on Trust between Citizens and Police - Police and Locals Working Together to Create Safe and Secure Communities (PDF/445KB)
- Realizing the Right to Access Reliable Information: Rapid Reports and Diverse Programs - Aiming for Reliable Public Broadcasting (PDF/349KB)
- Working with Businesses to Protect Human Rights: Creating a Platform for Collaboration! - Cocoa Free from Child Labor (PDF/378KB)
- Trends (PDF/61.0KB)
- Voices from the Field (PDF/136KB)