Distinguished Fellow
Research field / main research area
Global Environmental Engineering, Coastal Engineering, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation
Research field / main research area
Global Environmental Engineering, Coastal Engineering, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation
Related research projects

Educational Background

D. Eng. in Urban Engineering (1979), The University of Tokyo
M. Eng. in Urban Engineering (1976), The University of Tokyo
B. Eng. in Urban Engineering (1974), The University of Tokyo

Career Background

2020- Professor Emeritus, Specially Appointed Professor, Ibaraki University
2014-2020 President, Ibaraki University
2006 Director, Institute of Global Change Adaptation Science (ICAS), Ibaraki University
2004 Assistant Vice President, Ibaraki University
1997 Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo
1997 Professor, Center for Water Environment Studies, Ibaraki University
1995 Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Ibaraki University
1987 Research Associate (Fulbright Scholar), California Institute of Technology
1984 Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Ibaraki University
1983 Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

Major Publications

Mimura, N. et al.: Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability, Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC, pp. 869-898, Cambridge University Press, 2014.

Mimura, N., K., Fukushi, S. Herath: Sustainability Science ⑤ A Vision for Asia: Ensuring Regional Sustainability, pp.1-6, 55-80,University of Tokyo Press, 2011.

Hay, J. and N. Mimura: Vulnerability and adaptation assessment methods in the Pacific Islands Region: Past approaches, and considerations for the future, Sustainability Science, Vol.18, p.391-405., 2013.


Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Japanese Association for Coastal Zone Studies


Prof. Mimura has driven a range of studies on the impacts of climate change and adaptation to them focusing on the Asia and Pacific region including Japan. He has also served as lead author, coordinating lead author, and review editor for the Second to Sixth IPCC Reports. He was awarded several academic prizes such as Grand Prix, Nikkei Global Environment Technology Award of the Japan Economic Newspaper, Inc.(1997), Environmental Protection Award of the Environment Agency of Japan(1998), and Environmental Award of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2006).