JICA Research Institute Open Symposium "Japan and the Developing World: Sixty years of Japan's foreign aid and the post-2015 Agenda"
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JICA Research Institute Open Symposium
“Japan and the Developing World:
Sixty years of Japan’s foreign aid and the post-2015 Agenda”
The JICA Research Institute is pleased to invite interested audience to attend an open symposium in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of Japan’s Official Development Assistance (ODA), which started in 1954 with Japan’s accession to the Colombo Plan. Featuring leading and influential thinkers and experienced practitioners of international development both from Japan and around the world, the event will critically review the 60-year history of Japan’s ODA and, based on the lessons drawn, look toward the future of international cooperation by Japan and other stakeholders around the world. Some of the presentations will be based on a research project initiated by JICA-RI on the historical analysis of Japan’s ODA, the final result of which will be published next year.
Following the opening session, comprised of speeches by Japanese and international stakeholders, the symposium will look at Japan’s ODA from historical, political-economic, and comparative perspectives. It will then proceed to see how Japan has interacted with international organizations, and explore ways of cooperating productively with emerging development actors, including new financial institutions. Finally, the event will discuss courses of action that Japan and other actors in international development should take with the post-2015 development agenda in mind.
The event will be held on Thursday, November 20, from 10:00 to 18:30, at the International Conference Hall at JICA Ichigaya Building. It is intended to provide an open forum for all those interested, including decision/policy makers, development practitioners, diplomatic corps, international organizations, academics, NGOs, and students of development studies, among others, to exchange views among the attendees on Japan’s ODA and the future of international development cooperation.
Program: See related file.
This symposium will be video recorded and may be broadcast on JICA-RI's website. If you choose to participate in a discussion, you are presumed to consent to the use of your comments in these recordings. If you do not wish to be recorded, please contact the event staff.
Please register your participation at the application button. If you would like to participate in a half day session, please select 'Morning session only' or 'Afternoon session only' in the application form.
JICA Research Institute/Y. Aida, A. Honda, E-mail:ditas-rsunit@jica.go.jp, TEL: +81-3-3269-2959