【Close】TICAD7 JICA-RI Side Event: Quality Growth in Africa -Towards Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient Development-
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The government of Japan has been leading TICAD since 1993, co-hosted by related international organizations. Since then, African countries have achieved outstanding growth, though they face structural issues and new challenges at the same time. Inviting Professor Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel Laureate in economics, who has been leading the International Policy Dialogue’s Africa Task Force in Columbia University and engaging in the research on the economic development of Africa for many years, the event aims to sum up the economic transformation of Africa during the past 10 years to look toward the future and to review the roles of the future TICAD. Taking this opportunity, the output of the joint research between JICA Research Institute and IPD resulted in the publication of“Quality Growth in Africa”, will be introduced.
The objectives of the event is to discuss the policy implications on sustainable, inclusive and resilient development of Africa and draw political implications and to discuss the roles of TICAD and the international community for quality growth in Africa.
Program, Presentation Materials
・Prof. Joseph Stiglitz, Professor, Columbia University
American economist and a professor at Columbia University. He is also the co-chair of the High-Level Expert Group on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress at the OECD, and the Chief Economist of the Roosevelt Institute. A recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (2001) and the John Bates Clark Medal (1979), he is a former senior vice president and chief economist of the World Bank and a former member and chairman of the (US president's) Council of Economic Advisers. In 2000, Stiglitz founded the Initiative for Policy Dialogue, a think tank on international development based at Columbia University.
・Prof. Akbar Noman, Professor, Columbia University
Economist and a professor at Columbia University. He has wide-ranging experience of policy analysis and formulation in a variety of developing and transition economies, having worked extensively for the World Bank as well as other international organizations and at senior levels of government.
He is a co-editor of Good Growth and Governance in Africa: Rethinking Development Strategies (Oxford University Press, 2012)、 Industrial Policy and Economic Transformation in Africa (Columbia University Press, 2015)、 Efficiency, Finance and Varieties of Industrial Policy (Columbia University Press, 2017)、 Quality of Growth in Africa (Columbia University Press,2019)
・Prof. Haroon Bhorat, Professor, The University of Cape Town
Professor of Economics and Director of the Development Policy Research Unit at the University of Cape Town. His research interests cover labour economics, poverty and income distribution. He has co-authored and co-edited a number of books on labour market and poverty issues in Africa. Haroon has published more than 200 academic journal articles, book chapters and working papers. His commitments at UCT include lecturing Advanced Labour Economics (Hons), and supervision to Honours, Masters and Phd students.
・Pedro Conceição, Director of the Human Development Report Office and lead author of the Human Development Report, United Nations Development Programme
Since 1 January 2019 Pedro has been Director of the Human Development Report Office and lead author of the Human Development Report. Prior to this, Pedro served as Director, Strategic Policy, at the Bureau for Policy and Program Support (from October 2014), and Chief Economist and Head of the Strategic Advisory Unit at the Regional Bureau for Africa (from 1 December 2009).
・Assoc. Prof. Go Shimada, Visiting Scholar, JICA Research Institute; Associate Professor, Meiji University
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