【Close】AUDA-NEPAD and JICA Ogata Research Institute Joint Book Launch Webinar Promoting Quality and Productivity Improvement/ KAIZEN in Africa
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The JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development (JICA Ogata Research Institute) and Africa Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) Policy Bridge Tank will jointly organize two book launch webinars on the theme of industrial development.
The JICA Ogata Research Institute published two books in February 2022: “Policy Learning for Industrial Development and the Role of Development Cooperation” and “Promoting Quality and Productivity Improvement/ Kaizen in Africa”. These volumes describe some of the outcomes of the “Research Project on the Japanese Experience of Industrial Development and Development Cooperation: Analysis of Translative Adaptation Processes”.
Session 2 of the webinar series will share the research findings from the book “Promoting Quality and Productivity Improvement/ Kaizen in Africa”. JICA began implementing various Kaizen projects in Africa since 2006. It has recently started promoting the Africa Kaizen Initiative (AKI) in collaboration with the African Union Development Agency - the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (AUDA-NEPAD) and the Pan-Africa Productivity Association (PAPA). This volume addresses how development cooperation to promote Kaizen can effectively support the process of “translative adaptation” by partner countries. In this webinar, authors of the book chapters will present their work and exchange thoughts with African discussants.
Links to the books page
Link to the project page
1. Opening remarks
2. Presentation
3. Discussion
4. Q&A
5. Closing remarks
The JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development (JICA Ogata Research Institute) and Africa Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) Policy Bridge Tank will jointly organize two book launch webinars on the theme of industrial development.
The JICA Ogata Research Institute published two books in February 2022: “Policy Learning for Industrial Development and the Role of Development Cooperation” and “Promoting Quality and Productivity Improvement/ Kaizen in Africa”. These volumes describe some of the outcomes of the “Research Project on the Japanese Experience of Industrial Development and Development Cooperation: Analysis of Translative Adaptation Processes”.
Session 2 of the webinar series will share the research findings from the book “Promoting Quality and Productivity Improvement/ Kaizen in Africa”. JICA began implementing various Kaizen projects in Africa since 2006. It has recently started promoting the Africa Kaizen Initiative (AKI) in collaboration with the African Union Development Agency - the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (AUDA-NEPAD) and the Pan-Africa Productivity Association (PAPA). This volume addresses how development cooperation to promote Kaizen can effectively support the process of “translative adaptation” by partner countries. In this webinar, authors of the book chapters will present their work and exchange thoughts with African discussants.
Links to the books page
Prof. Garth Shelton, Associate Professor, International Relations Department, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Dr. Bernice McLean, Senior Programme Officer, Industrialization Division, AUDA-NEPAD, South Africa
Mr. George Murumba, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, Economic Integration Programme, AUDA-NEPAD, South Africa
JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development (Ms. Omi)
This event has ended.