JICA-RI/DIE Joint Workshop "General Budget Support Workshop"


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The development aid regime has long aimed to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), in which poverty reduction is the highest goal for aid. The Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP) and Paris Declaration are closely aligned to the MDGs and widely considered as the best strategies to reach these goals. Both place less emphasis on project-type assistance and more on program-type assistance, particularly on budget support programs (which are considered a major tool to attain these goals). Especially in Sub-Saharan African countries such as Tanzania, Ghana, and Zambia where the amount of Japanese support is relatively greater compared to other African partner countries, budget support is considered as the best aid modality. Accordingly, the share of budget support has been extremely large.

It is in this context that European countries, which are positive promoters of budget support, have continuously discussed the methods and effectiveness of the program. Various aid agencies and research institutions have recently reported these results. We note, however, that few studies have been done to analyze budget support comprehensively. The joint workshop between JICA-RI and the Deutsches Institut fur Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) aims to study budget support to provide input for future debates on aid strategy.

In Session 1, both JICA-RI and DIE will report on budget support from macro-level viewpoints. We expect to receive useful suggestions, such as how general budget support should be utilized in developing countries. In Session 2, case studies from Zambia and Tanzania will be presented by DIE and JICA-RI, respectively. In this session it is expected that issues on general budget support will be clarified by focusing on details that cannot be examined in the macro-level study.

This Workshop is expected to offer an opportunity for international scholars and practitioners to have mutual and candid dialogues, producing more innovative policy implications through synergetic effects.


To apply for the symposium, please click the button below (Application deadline: November 4). Please note that we may close the applications before the deadline in case we reach the quorum.

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Mr. Ueno/ Ms. Adachi
E-Mail: ditas-rsunit@jica.go.jp
Tel: +81-(0)3-3269-2959 Fax: +81-(0)3-3269-2054