Preventing Violent Conflicts in Africa


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Preventing Violent Conflicts in Africa

JICA Symposium

JICA Research Institute is hosting a symposium entitled Preventing Violent Conflicts in Africa to present research findings on this critical global issue.
Taking a pan-African perspective on the fundamental question of the factors that lead to violent conflict, an international team of researchers worked with JICA to undertake a comprehensive research project entitled “Preventing Violent Conflicts in Africa.” The research focused on potential causes of conflict, including how horizontal inequalities, political institutions, and perceived inequalities impact societal stability. With the dedicated support of researchers from abroad, the project examined four case studies comparing pairs of neighboring countries - Rwanda and Burundi; Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire; South Africa and Zimbabwe; and Uganda and Tanzania – along with two single-country case studies of Kenya and Nigeria, which investigated the impact of historical transitions. Surveys were conducted in seven countries to further advance the research findings.
JICA Research Institute has been presenting its ongoing findings of this research project on various occasions. This symposium provides JICA the opportunity to broadly disseminate and discuss the comprehensive results, including statistical analysis and policy implications, with interested scholars and practitioners.

To conclude the symposium, a panel discussion featuring Professor Frances Stewart (Director of CRISE, Oxford University), Professor Sakiko Fukuda-Parr (The New School), and Professor Thandika Mkandawire (LSE), the project advisor, will further the dialogue of the critical themes highlighted from the research findings.
JICA Research Institute welcomes all interested parties to attend this event.

Symposium Schedule

13:30 – 13:40 Opening Remarks

Hiroshi Kato, Counselor to the President of JICA

Session I
13:40 – 14:00 Preventing Violent Conflicts in Africa: An Overview

Yoichi Mine (JICA-RI/Doshisha University)

14:00 – 14:20 Horizontal Inequalities as a Cause of Conflicts
Arnim Langer (Leuven University)

14:20 – 14:50 Statistical Analysis of Perception Survey
Satoru Mikami (JICA-RI)

14:50 – 15:10 Policy Implications
Mari Katayanagi (JICA-RI)

15:10 – 15:40 Q&A

15:40 – 15:55 Coffee Break

Session II
15:55 – 16:15 Preventing Violent Conflicts: Policy Implications for Aid Donors
Sakiko Fukuda-Parr (The New School)

16:15 – 16:35 Preventing Violent Conflicts in Africa and Economic Development
Thandika Mkandawire (London School of Economics)

16:35 – 16:55 Policies toward Horizontal Inequalities
Frances Stewart (CRISE, Oxford University)

16:55 – 17:45 Panel Discussion

“Conflict Prevention and Development Cooperation in Africa”
Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, Thandika Mkandawire, Frances Stewart, Shinichi Takeuchi, Hiroshi Kato

17:50 Closing

*The title of presentation is subject to change.

** Please note that the venue is the International House of Japan NOT JICA Research Institute.


Please click the "Apply" button below and fill in the application form. The deadline for the application is Monday 23rd July. Please note that we may close applications before the date in case we reach the fixed number. We regret that we cannot provide any financial support for your travel to join this symposium.


Ueno (Mr)/ Yamashita(Mrs), Research Programme Div., JICA Research Institute
E-mail: TEL: 03-3269-2959 FAX: 03-3269-2054