JICA, IDS, and AFD Host a Joint Authors' Workshop on "Quality of Growth" in Paris


What growth do we mean by the most desirable development? How can we advance the growth for achieving its aims? What is a trade-off of the growth?

On February 3 and 4, JICA-RI, Institute of Development Studies (IDS) in University of Sussex, and L’Agence Française de Développement (AFD) jointly hosted the second authors’ workshop on “Quality of Economic Growth” at the AFD Headquarters in Paris. The workshop aimed to present research papers and to exchange comments on each paper in light of the discussion at the first workshop in 2012.

From JICA-RI, Director Hiroshi Kato (JICA Vice-President), Senior Research Advisor Akio Hosono, Senior Research Fellow Go Shimada, Research Fellow Kamal Lamichhane, and Deputy Assistant Chief of Research Program Division Ippei Tsuruga joined the event; from IDS, Director Lawrence Haddad and Research Fellow Dirk Willenbockel participated; from AFD, Director of Strategy Jean-Yves Grosclaude, Unit Head Cyrille Bellier, and Research Officer Nicolas Meisel along with Professor Michel Aglietta (University of Paris 10) and Mr. Richard Bluhm (Maastricht University Doctoral Course) participated in the workshop.

In the workshop, authors presented the outlines of their papers as interim reports to further develop a discussion on what the “quality of growth” is and on what growth pattern can produce a quality development effect.

After a careful revision of the papers based on the discussion from the workshop, the collection of papers is scheduled to be published by the end of 2014.

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