UNU-WIDER Director Discuss the Roles of Foreign Aid in a Post-2015 Perspective


On March 25, JICA-RI held a public seminar “Aid, growth, poverty and the changing global market” at the JICA Ichigaya Building, inviting Professor Finn Tarp, Director of the United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER). This event is part of JICA-RI’s various activities related to development aid, economic growth, poverty reduction, and human development. Professor Tarp and about 50 participants in and out of JICA discussed the roles of aid towards post 2015, in light of the efforts of UNU-WIDER. We discussed the challenges and new opportunities for development aid in the context of the ever-changing global economy.


Prof. Finn Tarp

Professor Tarp first introduced the findings of UNU-WIDER’s three-year research program on foreign aid (Research and Communication on Foreign Aid: ReCom). Professor Tarp recognized the fact that economic growth facilitated by aid has led many countries to “graduate” out of low-income aid recipient status to middle-income economies along with the betterment of poverty reduction and human development. However, in specific areas of Africa, sub-Saharan Africa in particular, the GDP per-capita growth rate remains low and the labor force moves from high productive manufacturing sector to low productive activities. Under these circumstances, Professor Tarp raised the core issues on the post-2015 development agenda: a continuous support of aid for resource-poor fragile states in Africa, particularly aid for promotion of employment; aid for newly impoverished people in middle-income nations; and global issues such as aid for gender equality, environment and climate change.


Finn Tarp/Director of the United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

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